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3 of My Favorite Comments

Gray Miller
5 min readApr 1, 2022


and why they bring me such delight.

After a giddy few months of riding the Dopamine Rollercoaster that are reader stats and earnings, I finally decided to retire peacefully into simply watching for comments from readers.

After all, if they not only spent time reading my screeds all the way through but then felt it worth a few extra clicks to write complete sentences, they deserved my time and attention.

Here are three of the most delightful comments I’ve received — though I believe only one of them is intended as such.

Mr. Math and the Appeal to Authority

In response to this piece, Simon Clifford took it upon himself to explain why I was wrong:

I’d have another little look at the conditions and requirements for use of the principle — you can’t throw it at anything you can count. While you’re researching the science and mathematics of probability distributions of decisions influenced by human behaviour (of which the Pareto Principle is an example), see what you can find showing the…



Gray Miller

Gray is a former Marine dancer grandpa visualist who writes to help adults figure out what they want to be when they grow up.