I'm in a similar situation, though the start was a bit different. I was a single Dad with four very young kids in my early 20's -- and as we struggled through welfare and subsidized housing I felt certain that my life was over, I'd never travel, or meet anyone who'd want to be with a guy with FOUR KIDS.
Turned out I was wrong -- because when they were all grown up and I was only in my 40's, I could travel, and I did. All over the U.S., Canada, Mexico, even a couple of Europe jaunts, I built a career out of public speaking and travel that was absolutely wonderful.
But right before COVID, I'd had enough. I wanted to spend time back here at home, in Madison, getting to see my kids and grandkids more. I finally bought a house here, and there is nothing I like better than sitting on the back porch with a cigar and whiskey and a friend talking.
If you'd told any version of me before age 49 that this would be my dream, I would have laughed. But yeah -- I think it's ok to have done the travel, enjoyed the memories, and just invest in another kind of experience.
Thanks for the article!